On average, Canadians retire at age 65, meaning that Canadians diagnosed with Parkinson’s before that age are faced with the decision of telling their employers about their diagnosis or not. There’s a lot to consider: Am I required to tell my employer? Should I tell them? When is the right time? What should I do to prepare to disclose my diagnosis? What strategies can I use when I am ready to do so? What’s next?
Leanne Goldstein, MK Disability Lawyers LLP, will discuss these topics and more, including the potential positive impacts your disclosure may have and how to proceed when your expectations are not met. For some, reinventing their own definition of work, and where and how it takes place might be worth exploring.
We will also hear from Larry Linton and Susan Fullerton – two individuals living and working with Parkinson’s – as they discuss what successful models of workplace accommodations can look like.

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