Looking for Help with SISIP Claims in Peterborough, Ontario?

The Social Income Security Insurance Plan or “SISIP” is the insurance plan that covers members of the Canadian Armed Forces. The plan is a group insurance plan administered at present by SISIP Financial with Manulife Financial, as the current insurance provider.
SISIP was established in 1969 as a long-term disability program for losses unrelated to military service. In 1976, SISIP was extended to service-related injuries. The CAF long-term disability plan falls within the mandate of the Department of National Defence.
CAF-LTD benefits are long term disability benefits available under the group plan to members of the Canadian Armed Forces who have been medically released or have been assessed as totally disabled at release by the insurance company. The plan contains specific definitions of disability against which claims are assessed.
The plan also contains vocational rehabilitation components designed to facilitate a transition to civilian employment in appropriate circumstances.
To commence a claims adjudication, the CAF LTD Claims Department requires the following:
A Member’s Statement
An Attending Physician Statement; and
Confirmation, from DCSA through SISIP Ottawa , regarding the official Date of Release
Understanding how to interpret the plan wording and how the plan integrates with the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and benefits such as Canada Pension Disability benefits, pensions and VAC benefits is of critical importance when dealing with these claims and litigating against Manulife Financial.
As a female disability law firm, we have spent significant time representing female members of the CAF including those struggling with post traumatic stress disorders, operational stress injuries, addiction issues, physical illness, and injury and those dealing with the psychological consequences of sexual trauma and sexual misconduct.
We are honoured to support all individuals who have served our nation and strive to provide a compassionate and supportive legal team that will vigorously advocate for your entitlements and best interests.
If you are appealing the denial or your claim through Manulife Financial or if wish to pursue a lawsuit against Manulife Financial, please contact our office.
SISIP stands for Service Income Security Insurance Plan. It’s a comprehensive insurance plan designed to provide financial protection and support to Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and their families in the event of disability, illness, or death.
Active members of the Regular and Reserve Force components of the Canadian Armed Forces are eligible for SISIP benefits. Some conditions may apply based on the nature and length of service.
Yes, if your SISIP claim is denied, you have the right to appeal the decision. It’s advisable to seek legal guidance to navigate the appeal process effectively.
While it’s not mandatory to have a lawyer for SISIP claims, having one can ensure that all legalities are handled correctly, advocate on your behalf, and maximize the chances of a successful claim, especially in complex cases or appeals.
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